Williams College Statement of Principles Regarding the Management of College Records
adopted Spring 2012
Recognizing the need to ensure the preservation and availability of its official records for legal, fiscal, administrative, and historical purposes, Williams College hereby adopts the following Statement of Principles regarding the collection and preservation of these vital papers, records and documents.
The Statement serves as an introduction to the larger records management program at Williams, which is described in more detail through the retention schedules and guidelines that pertain to the records created and maintained by the college’s administrative offices, academic departments, committees, programs and other units of the college. Such records retention schedules, developed in collaboration with the administrator or faculty member in charge of the unit, delineate what types of documents are maintained by the unit, the length of time they are to be retained in the office and, thereafter, whether they are deemed of permanent value or designated for destruction. Records retention schedules are updated in compliance with state and federal laws, as new types of documents are created, and as administrative needs change.
See also: